just some random cool sign i saw somewhere. : D
thank goodness.
last few days were quite enjoyable ones, especially compared to the preceding few.
saturday was rj band concert, when we were superlate even though we met superearly,
thanks to zach. =D
stoned at coffee bean @ j8 with joel and zhao,
eating our money in the form of mudpies and brownies in the process.
several hours spent there, randomly meeting yaoxian in the process.
boredom does things to people.
got our money conned by the florist with 8dollar sunflowers.
rushed down to rj only to be late for the concert by half and hour.
we stoned,
sang numerous songs
and danced mass dances
under the rj streetlight for very long while waiting for lynette's debrief.
you gotta admire joel for his thickskinnedness with the korean girl. :D
not bad, not bad.
we went to j8 for erm "supper" XD and i reached home at like oneplus(ohmy).
sunday was also a great day.
mer, grace and i went to ngee ann city to support tis for danceworks.
even though it was hot, crowded, noisy and the whole event was rather draggy in nature,
i thought it was relatively enjoyable.
nj's dance groups (present and seniors) were predictably good.
not surprisingly, tis rocked. =))
even though i have no idea why she was trying to hide her nonexistent ERM "fats"(????), as she likes to call them.
met mer and grace
waited X100000000000000 but yeah i think you get the idea.
but nevermind, was worth the wait in the end. XD
we went to swensens afterthat with tis.
(met jafnie and rachelchew and tenbillion people)
i ended up eating my bakedricething so slowly while waiting that i became SO FULL
and i ate half of tis' chicken.
ohmygoodness, i was exploding.
and yeah we erm.
took pictures. (send grace, send! send tis, send!)

tis and i. =)
let's take a pic! *snaps*

grace and i.

HAHA neoprint-not!
we went to watch a movie afterwards.
music and lyrics.
a relatively nice show with comic moments.
omg cool hipthrust, alex. i gotta learn that one. =D
went over to sentosa LATE that night to find my familyy haha.
throw in some pigging out all through the day,
there you have it,a fantastic day!
thanks guys! (:
today contained random stuff that i did that i'm lazy to blog about including uniform buying etc.
except for when i met tis at amk hub for her to shop for jo's presents.
roamed around the whole evening at amk hub and novena square and velo-city(pleaseplease don't kill me XD).
somehow, i had a pleasant time.
EDIT: i felt this was of special mention. :D
today, tis and i (mostly not me =D) had super cool moments.
at these moments, we felt like we were the coolest people around.
and if you ever get my gist, you'll know. =DDD
COOL MOMENT COUNT: 4867512975315426849.