Wednesday, March 07, 2007

have you ever?

have you ever had
that feeling?

like you were so helpless
that you could not do anything.
anything at all,
but go with the flow
and put on a mask and pretend to be strong
while you knew deep down that you were not?

like you felt like you were going to cry,
but you knew that you just couldn't
for whatever reasons?
to keep that image intact,
to live up to your name,
to avoid all those questions,
and act like nothing was wrong?

tears may not flow so easily for me,
but even so,
they stream down inside me.

everytime i think of losing you,
(not that i even have you in the first place)
-that sinking feeling
just comes.

so will someone please help me,
and tell me
what in the world should i do??

today has been one of the most difficult days in my life.
i think it really ranks up there.
it didnt start out good at all, they took our valuables for safekeeping,
and refused to return them.
i felt so damn lost without my phone.

it was a totally emo day.
i doubt i've ever felt so horrible in recent history.
there were prolonged periods when i felt so lost,
so lonely even though there were people around.
if not for yi xuan, i would have stoned the whole day.

luckily, i got my phone back somehow.
best move of the day.
it was salvation.

who better to rescue me than my very own superhero, tis! =))
[you sew your own cloak]
smsing her really kinda cheered me up muchly.
the ranting and moaning to each other was life-saving.
you don't know how grateful i am.
honest. (:

not to forget mer, grace, rachelchew and jaf for the smses!
i really really do miss all you guys whom i've left behind!

thanks to everyone who's been behind me all this while,
encouraging me and trying to cheer me up.
i appreciate it,
thank god for friends.

My a01
My a01 lies over the ocean.
My a01 lies over the sea.
My a01 lies over the ocean.
O bring back my a01 to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my a01 to me,to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my a01 to me.
adapted from "My Bonnie".
today, i was but constantly thinking about you.
please, tell me tell me what to do.

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3/07/2007 08:48:00 pm
let us watch sunsets together.

the guy.

tiong hui.
ats. chs. ajc. nsf.


-friends & family.


-too much.




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so thats that.
them uncertainties are gonna get me.
smile at the small rectangle.
just keep me where the light is.
grow up, please?
there goes his dinner.
six degrees of separation.
do you remember?
split screen sadness.
them frickin' hypocrites.


made by : rebelyon-anghel
brushes from : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 lyrics