Main Entry: tick·le
Pronunciation: 'ti-k&l
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): tick·led; tick·ling
Etymology: Middle English tikelen; akin to Old English tinclian to tickle
transitive verb
1 a : to excite or stir up agreeably :
PLEASE b : to provoke to laughter or merriment : AMUSE
2 : to touch (as a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements
3 : to touch or stir gently
intransitive verb
1 : to have a tingling or prickling sensation
2 : to excite the surface nerves to prickle
credit to:
life's life and thats that.
the world carries on spinning no matter what happen,
people move on.
life in aj's been alright i guess,
save for screwed timetables and stuff.
thank goodness once again for the people there who've helped.
you cat high brothers.
and not to forget zhao, jaime and the works.
and all you great people who've kept me going all this while with your constant encouragement!
you guys rock so much!
how it will all turn out, i have no idea.
my body aches. thank you, cool pe lessons.
tomorrow:1.5hr morning pe+hockey.
oh that sinking feeling when you read something and poof,
you realise that the something's about you.
all about you.
to whomever it concerns:
no matter how hard i think, i cannot seem to find a way to come up with an explanation.
yes, i agree that i've been screwed up for the past few weeks.
very screwed up.
so naturally, the things i do and the words i say would be screwed up too. i guess.
and you won't believe how sorry i am for that,
i can't apologise to all of you whom i've affected
with my screwed up behaviour and actions.
and yet, i have to say something.
i do not lie.
what you may perceive of my actions, i cannot control.
all i can do is try to explain, and the rest, is up to you.
i know that i've not told everyone everything.
but you have to understand that there's a reason behind everything.
maybe i'm insecure,
maybe i'm cowardly,
maybe i'm uncertain of what exactly i'm going through in the first place,
maybe i'm confused.
or maybe, its all of the above?
or is this situation exactly why i kept it in?
maybe i couldn't think straight
and had no idea who else (if any) was not another one of them.
to be absolutely honest, not everyone knows what happens to my life anymore.
not even some of the people whom i've considered my closest friends ever since my age was nothing more than a single digit.
perhaps i was being foolish and stupid
perhaps i just needed some time?
so, please don't do this.
i'm just so tired of being troubled.
i'm so sorry if you feel hurt but i'll tell you this,
i'll never neglect my friends ever again.
so please, let me make it up.
i'll tell you everything you want to know
and more.
i've nothing to hide anymore.
everything's all over anyway.
please do come tell me.
lifehouse - come back down
Staring right back in the face,
A memory can’t be erased.
I know, because I tried.
Start to feel the emptiness,
and everything I’m gonna miss.
I know, that I can’t hide.
All this time is passing by,
I think its time to just move on.
When you come back down,
If you land on your feet,
I hope you find a way to make it back to me.
When you come around,
I’ll be there for you.
Don’t have to be alone,
With what you’re going through.
Start to breathe and fake a smile,
Its all the same after a while.
I know, that you are tired.
Carrying the ones you lost,
A picture frame with all the thoughts.
I know, you hold inside.
I hope that you can find your way back
To the place where you belong.
When you come back down,
If you land on your feet,
I hope you find a way to make it back to me.
When you come around,
I’ll be there for you.
Don’t have to be alone,
With what you’re going through.
You’re coming back down,
You say you feel lost, can i help you find it?
When you come around,
From time to time we all are blinded.
You’re coming back down.
You don’t have to tell me what you’re feeling,
I know what you’re going through.
I wont be the one that lets go of you.
I think its time to just move on.
When you come back down
If you land on your feet
I hope you find a way to make it back to me
When you come around
I’ll be there for you
Don’t have to be alone
With what you’re going through
When you come back down
If you land on your feet
I hope you find a way to make it back to me
When you come around
I’ll be there for you
Don’t have to be alone
With what you’re going through
Labels: Lyrics
well, i guess life wouldn't be life
if it didn't have the bumpy rides
that come with it.
yet when you think you have it bad,
you realise that there are people really much more worse off than you.
when you think that you're not strong enough to pull through,
you find that there are always people there
to help you,
to give you support
and encouragement.
giving you the strength you never had.
i'll never neglect
the importance of
simply being there
for a friend
when he/she needs someone
ever again.
the good times wouldn't be as good
without the bad ones.
this is how we grow.
from the experiences,
especially the most painful ones.
we get stronger.

the calling - stigmatized
If I give up on you, I give up on me
If we fight what's true, will we ever be
Even God himself, and the faith I knew
Shouldn't hold me back, shouldn't keep me from you
Tease me, by holding out your hand
Then leave me, or take me as I am
And live our lives, stigmatized
I can feel the blood rushing through my veins
When I hear your voice, driving me insane
Hour after hour day after day
Every lonely night that I sit and pray
We live our lives on different sides
But we keep together you and I
Just live our lives, stigmatized
We'll live our lives, we'll take the punches every day
We'll live our lives, I know we're gonna find our way
I believe in you
Even if no one understands
I believe in you, and I don't really give a damn
If we're stigmatized
We live our lives on different sides
But we keep together you and I
We live our lives on different sides,
We're gonna live our lives
Gotta live our lives
We're gonna live our lives
We're gonna live our lives,
Gonna live our lives,
you can't see these words,
for a reason.
Labels: Lyrics, Reflection
confusing and tiring week it has been,
rather painful one at that.
i'm glad that its over,
and that it got progressively better.
take your time, my dear.and you're not screwed up,stop saying that.i know what you're trying to say-just don't think so much about particular things.thinking too much does make you more confused sometimes;just like it does to yes, we'll take this slow.i really want to be smiling at you again too,with no lingering regretsor sadness floating around at the back of my brain.but,i'll always be here for you.and you know i love you too. =)"... but he was rather lonely."
"Lonely? He needed a Wendy."
"I need a Wendy."
or what?
westlife - the rose.
Some say love,
it is a river;
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love,
it is a razor;
That leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love,
it is a hunger;
An endless aching need.
I say love,
it is a flower;
And you it's only seed.
It's the heart, afraid of breaking;
That never learns to dance.
It's the dream, afraid of waking;
that never takes the chance.
It's the one, who won't be taken;
Who cannot seem to give.
And the soul, afraid of dying;
that never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong.
Just remember,
in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed
That with the sun's love
In the spring
Becomes the rose.
Labels: Lyrics
still confused as ever,
as messed up inside me as ever.
every single day, i'm only met with more obstacles.
more and more
they keep coming.
they won't stop.
they've got no mercy.
i keep thinking and thinking
and yet i can't come up with
a proper conclusion.
it just keeps going in circles
with no proper solution
to this problem.
i keep thinking.
its driving me crazy.
its eating at me.
taking one part of me away at a time.
please save me.
please really do.
show me and tell me what to do
to help ease this pain.
please don't ignore me.
do you ever have times when
you feel like
is all but
a dream?
one big, unreal and messed up dream.
you want to wake up.
you try so hard.
you hit yourself,
pinch yourself,
and no matter what, you just can't seem to end the nightmare.
you gather your strength,
try and focus your thoughts,
but you realise that you are not strong enough.
you're just too weak.
take a deep breath, kid;
they say.
pick yourself up and move on.
sounds easy.
yet its far from that.
and yet sometimes, you just don't feel like moving on.
cling on.
hope that it gets better.
when a welcome respite arrives,
you're glad.
you're absolutely relieved and delighted.
but nah.
no such thing.
(i think.)
to you:i know its a hard time. for you. and for me. for everyone around us.
it would be extremely selfish, foolish and immature of me to blame this entirely on you;
because i know, its not your fault. it really really isn't.
i'm beginning to understand your position,
and i respect your decision.
so please, don't be so hard on yourself.
i was hurt and i still am and i won't deny that.
it hurt, so bad. i felt like i would die. felt like dying. felt like ending it all. i really did.
but yet deep down somewhere, i know i really should be thanking you instead.
for being honest and straightforward, no matter how hard that was.
so please, give me some time.
i won't lie that i'm okay. because truth is, i'm not. at all.
yet, i'll try. try to make this all right.
sorry for being so weak.
sorry for everything.
i know that this is hurting you too,
and i'm so so so so sorry for that.
so if I can do anything to help, please please do let me know.
you're no loser. you're but only human.
i can't stop thinking of it. i really can't.
i try so hard. i really do.
but it still hangs there in that corner of my mind.
lingering around.
refusing to budge.
i don't want you to be hurting.
i really really don't, as much as i'm hurting.
i don't want you to suffer what i'm suffering.
nobody should ever have to.
that neverending sinking feeling,
that bottomless pit.
the emptiness and fear that surrounds and engulfs me,
when i realise that there won't be anyone there to save me.
(or will there?)
yet i'll always be here for you.
must we always read between the lines?
john mayer - dreaming with a broken heart
When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The waking up is the hardest part
You roll outta bed and down on your knees
And for the moment you can hardly breathe
Wondering was she really here?
Is she standing in my room?
No she's not,
'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....
When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The giving up is the hardest part
She takes you in with her crying eyes
Then all at once you have to say goodbye
Wondering could you stay my love?
Will you wake up by my side?
No she can't,
'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....
Now do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand
Do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Baby won't you get them if i did?
No you won't,
'cause you're gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....
When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The waking up is the hardest part
Labels: Lyrics
i guess today has more or less given me a sense of closure.
for now.
its been a wonderful past week,
and hanging out with
you-and not to forget all my other friends-
has but made it more enjoyable than ever.
even though its only been a coupla months,
it feels like its been forever.
its like i've found what i've always been looking for.whenever i'm next to,
or just thinking of you.
i get it.
that elusive, warm and fuzzy feeling
that everyone searches for.
-i hope its here to stay.-that
Labels: Reflection
one big rollercoaster ride of ups and downs.
but lets hope
the ups stay up
and the downs stay away.
every minute and every hour,
i feel like i'm going up
and then down again.
and up
and down once more.
screw them moodswings.
and stuff.
these constant inexplicable changes
are gonna be my bane
if they continue like this.
just watch.
spare me from this.
i'm getting too weird for my own good.
or is it just me?
and my insecurities.
and stuff.
no worries. its not you.
its just me.
and my stupid brain which refuses to stop thinking
and imagining.
Labels: Blues, Ramblings, Random
ne-yo-because of you
Want to, but I can't help it
I love the way it feels,
It's got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real
I need it when I want it, I want it when I don't
Tell myself I'll stop everyday, knowin' that I won't
I got a problem and I don't know what to do about it
Even if I did, I don't know if I walk away of it, but I doubt it
I'm taken by the thought of it, and I know that much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction, i'm so strung out on you
Babyboo, but I like it
And it's all because of you
And it's all because of you
And it's all because of you
And it's all because...
Never givin' up,
She's the sweetest drug.
Think of it every second
I thinkin of it but,
Only concern is the next time, I'm gonna get me some
Know I should stay away from, cuz she's no good for me
I tried and tried but my obsession wont let me leave
I got a problem and I don't know what to do about it
Even if I did, I don't know if I walk away of it, but I doubt it
I'm taken by the thought of it, and I know that much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction, i'm so strung out on you.
Babyboo, but I like it
And it's all because of you
And it's all because of you
And it's all because of you
And it's all because...
Never givin' up,
She's the sweetest drug
Ain't no doubt, so strung out
Ain't no doubt, so strung out
Over you, over you, over you
Because of you,
And it's all because of you,
Never givin' up
She's the sweetest drug, she's the sweetest drug.
Labels: Lyrics
everything's getting clearer, slowly but steadily;
its as if the sun has chased away the early morning fog.
what was all blurry and confusing's gradually coming into focus.
seems as though,
i'm a changed person.
i don't look at them the same way anymore,i think of you.or am i?
its been so short yet so long.
yet i've loved it, am loving it, wanna love it forever
and hope it lasts.
or is it all just wishful thinking?yes, i believe its gonna be alright after all.
as long as we all hold on and never let go.
but please,
tell me if i'm reading these signs wrong.
i'll help you start all over again-a thousand times over
if you
ask me to.she's the sweetest drug.Labels: Reflection
just some random cool sign i saw somewhere. : D
thank goodness.
last few days were quite enjoyable ones, especially compared to the preceding few.
saturday was rj band concert, when we were superlate even though we met superearly,
thanks to zach. =D
stoned at coffee bean @ j8 with joel and zhao,
eating our money in the form of mudpies and brownies in the process.
several hours spent there, randomly meeting yaoxian in the process.
boredom does things to people.
got our money conned by the florist with 8dollar sunflowers.
rushed down to rj only to be late for the concert by half and hour.
we stoned,
sang numerous songs
and danced mass dances
under the rj streetlight for very long while waiting for lynette's debrief.
you gotta admire joel for his thickskinnedness with the korean girl. :D
not bad, not bad.
we went to j8 for erm "supper" XD and i reached home at like oneplus(ohmy).
sunday was also a great day.
mer, grace and i went to ngee ann city to support tis for danceworks.
even though it was hot, crowded, noisy and the whole event was rather draggy in nature,
i thought it was relatively enjoyable.
nj's dance groups (present and seniors) were predictably good.
not surprisingly, tis rocked. =))
even though i have no idea why she was trying to hide her nonexistent ERM "fats"(????), as she likes to call them.
met mer and grace
waited X100000000000000 but yeah i think you get the idea.
but nevermind, was worth the wait in the end. XD
we went to swensens afterthat with tis.
(met jafnie and rachelchew and tenbillion people)
i ended up eating my bakedricething so slowly while waiting that i became SO FULL
and i ate half of tis' chicken.
ohmygoodness, i was exploding.
and yeah we erm.
took pictures. (send grace, send! send tis, send!)

tis and i. =)
let's take a pic! *snaps*

grace and i.

HAHA neoprint-not!
we went to watch a movie afterwards.
music and lyrics.
a relatively nice show with comic moments.
omg cool hipthrust, alex. i gotta learn that one. =D
went over to sentosa LATE that night to find my familyy haha.
throw in some pigging out all through the day,
there you have it,a fantastic day!
thanks guys! (:
today contained random stuff that i did that i'm lazy to blog about including uniform buying etc.
except for when i met tis at amk hub for her to shop for jo's presents.
roamed around the whole evening at amk hub and novena square and velo-city(pleaseplease don't kill me XD).
somehow, i had a pleasant time.
EDIT: i felt this was of special mention. :D
today, tis and i (mostly not me =D) had super cool moments.
at these moments, we felt like we were the coolest people around.
and if you ever get my gist, you'll know. =DDD
COOL MOMENT COUNT: 4867512975315426849.
Labels: Daily, Friends, Misc, Ramblings, Random

tis and i.=)

me, mildred, rach chew.

me, joan, rach chew.

horny b number 2 and me.

team photo:vampire,cherry(malik),grace(grays),rakshak,merriman.
bruno and i.
cousin(XD) bernice yeo and i.
me, joan(commie defector).

playing in an arcade-not. actually, seksy time.
Labels: Friends, Memories, Misc, Random, School
time is the best medicine.
i guess thats thats just what i need now.
things will all sort themselves out with time,
or so i hope.
all we've gotta do now is just
hold on.
thanks to everyone who's been there for me,
constantly giving me encouragement and support.
i can never repay you guys enough,
and you have no idea how much you people have helped me.
mer, tis, zach, grace, becky, beiru, rachel chew, joan, jafnie, bernice.even if your name's not here, thank you so much for helping me in any way!
at the root, there's nobody else to blame except for myself.
but no, no more self-pity.
it ends here.
almost time to change some things around here.
after slacking through the most of my life,
with things always ending in disappointment,
i think that its high time for a change.
time to prove the detractors and haters wrong.
so come on, look down on me now all you want.
while you still can.
i just need the determination, persistence, strength and support to last the journey.
you be my berth and shelter from the storm?
bring back my bonnie to me.Labels: Reflection
have you ever had
that feeling?
like you were so helpless
that you could not do anything.
anything at all,
but go with the flow
and put on a mask and pretend to be strong
while you knew deep down that you were not?
like you felt like you were going to cry,
but you knew that you just couldn't
for whatever reasons?
to keep that image intact,
to live up to your name,
to avoid all those questions,
and act like nothing was wrong?
tears may not flow so easily for me,
but even so,
they stream down inside me.
everytime i think of losing you,
(not that i even have you in the first place)
-that sinking feeling
just comes.
so will someone please help me,
and tell me
what in the world should i do??
today has been one of the most difficult days in my life.
i think it really ranks up there.
it didnt start out good at all, they took our valuables for safekeeping,
and refused to return them.
i felt so damn lost without my phone.
LOST and was a totally emo day.
i doubt i've ever felt so horrible in recent history.
there were prolonged periods when i felt so lost,
so lonely even though there were people around.
if not for yi xuan, i would have stoned the whole day.
luckily, i got my phone back somehow.
best move of the day.
it was salvation.
who better to rescue me than my very own superhero, tis! =))
[you sew your own cloak]
smsing her really kinda cheered me up muchly.
the ranting and moaning to each other was life-saving.
you don't know how grateful i am.
honest. (:
not to forget mer, grace, rachelchew and jaf for the smses!
i really really do miss all you guys whom i've left behind!
thanks to everyone who's been behind me all this while,
encouraging me and trying to cheer me up.
i appreciate it,
thank god for friends.
My a01
My a01 lies over the ocean.
My a01 lies over the sea.
My a01 lies over the ocean.
O bring back my a01 to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my a01 to me,to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my a01 to me.
adapted from "My Bonnie".
today, i was but constantly thinking about you.please, tell me tell me what to do.Labels: Blues, Friends, Misc, Ramblings
since this is what's been chosen for me, i guess thats it.
i won't even bother hiding my disappointment.
its a fact.
i totally am disappointed.
especially the part where i'm leaving everyone behind.
old friends,
new friends,
hockey teammates,
sorry that i never had the time to know you guys better,
i'm truly, deeply sorry.
to you
-whom you may or may not know who you are-:just when i thought i was beginning to find what i've been missing all my life,
someone just had to pull us apart.
but i'll never forget you guys and the wonderful times we've had together.
trust me-
in actual fact, all i am now is confused.
tired, and confused.
sad, tired and confused.
upset, sad, tired and confused.
i have no idea what to expect tomorrow.
now that i'm here,
a little help,
thanks to everyone who's touched my life.
you.(check back in future for possible individual shoutouts.) =)
Labels: Blues, Friends, Misc, Ramblings
that's that i guess.
in a few hours, i'll be posted to wherever i'm destined to be.
this feeling's one of the worse that can ever happen to one.
being entirely powerless.
could it be:
this is just not where i belong?
i can never put into words how i feel.
perhaps not now,
maybe next time;
when i can think clearly once again.
but till then,
i guess i'll just
suffer in
the turmoil that's just brewing in me,
and over
and over
and over
boil, reboil.
reboil, reboil.
can you feel it?
so many different things
running through my head.
over and over again.
do you know how much i enjoy spending time with you?
do you,
feel how i feel?
like i think and hope so badly that you do?
i know this is a bad time
really bad timing.
but i have no control over it.
i'm so sorry,
but i can really do nothing.
so what sirs and madams above, are your plans for me?
will someone
tell me,
Labels: Blues, Misc

after one fine, short history lecture.
photo credits to beiru. =)
oh dear, i ran 5.2km in the gym today.
me being me, i sweat so frickin much.
and yet,
it felt good. XD
do you feel what i'm feeling?Labels: Daily, Friends, Memories, Misc, Random, School
weather was cold today.
rained all day.
was actually a very slacky day, had only one tutorial and one pe lesson.
all others were free periods. -___-
except for gc lesson.
timothy and i had to give the lesson haha, was rather...weird.
and oh so many people ponned class today!
slackers! XD
after school, waited around at a01 table with lex while he was contemplating whether to pon debate.
the rain made clement and i unable to play hockey. =(
waited, waited.
met tis.
went with her to amk hub to roam around and get doughnuts.
its rather remarkable for a suburban mall, you guys should check it out haha.
lots of cool shops opening there.
we went to macs to stone and do work and talk.
wasnt really very productive,
but it was enjoyable. =)
ahhhh math, hunger and erm touchy plants.
the plant that kept tickling me. =D
i've been stoning around in school very often lately, esp after school.
i guess since my time here's most probably running out,
might as well enjoy the company i've got.
i'll miss you guys.
i really will.
john mayer-gravity.
Gravity, is working against me
And gravity, wants to bring me down
Oh, I've never known what makes this man
With all the love that his heart can stand
Dream of ways to throw it all away
Whoa, gravity is working against me
And gravity, it wants to bring me down
Oh, twice as much ain't twice as good
And can't sustain like one half could
Its wanting more that's gonna send me to my knees
Oh, twice as much ain't twice as good
And can't sustain like one half could
Its wanting more that's gonna send me to my knees
Whoa gravity, stay the hell away from me
Whoa gravity, has taken better man than me
Now how can that be
Just keep me where the light is
Just keep me where the light is
C'mon keep me where the light is
C'mon keep me where the light is
Labels: Daily, Friends, Lyrics, Misc, Random, School