don't you think
its just
that some people
whatever you say
and whatever you do
merely reflects
who you are.
so please,
try and
remember that?
and there i was thinking...

cny.(crap, who's lousy phonecam?)

today was full of stoning, especially after school.
stoned in the canteen with jin, mer and tis for veryyyyyyyyyy long!
hahaha we tried coming up with designs for the cool shirt, but we weren't really successful. XD
the shop that tis referred us to has some really weird staff too.
thanks anyway tis, saved us a trip to queensway. =)
jin got his brand new racket, and i had this brilliant idea of decorating it. =D
don't we all love it? =D
be very jealous, federer.
anyway, after our looong stoning session, jin and i went off home.
what we saw on the bus was totally hilarious, we just couldn't stop laughing.
maybe if i put it into words, it might not be that funny- but you gotta take my word for it. :)

youjin's neighbour.
o' red plastic bag o' life,
swinging merrily with jive.
to its contents:
feed him, you should;
yet amuse us, you could.
swing swing swing,
even as the (bus-stopping) bell rings;
hooked to his finger, it sings.
he snores.
it slips.
there goes his dinner.
Labels: Daily, Friends, Misc, Random, School
pile of work.
pushes aside.
boots up computer.
drums fingers.
clicks bookmark.
page loads.
I'm just a single voice;
What can I do to erase,
All this misunderstanding?
All this anarchy?
Six degrees of separation.
Sometimes it's so hard to see.
That we are not alone in this.
I need to believe.
(actually, its you who needs to)
believe that there are always people who know
exactly how you feel.
so please,
let me help.
don't shut me out.
as the raindrops pound on my window pane,
i can do nothing but wait in vain.
i reach out my hand,
because i understand.
(exactly how you feel.)
so please,
don't tell me that you're fine;
because i know
you're not.
to everyone with issues,
my shoulder's always here for you.
Labels: Misc

your hardworking ct reps. =)
ice cream overload.
two little aitong boys having fun-taken last year haha..
not my handwriting. =D
thats just me, thankyouverymuch. .jpg)


thanks, lauren! =)

thats that.
for the sake of being random. =)
random enough?
anyway, calling for anyone with primary school pictures of me and my friends! exclassmates and all, please inform me if you do have any! =D thanks loads!
Labels: Friends, Memories, Misc, Random
john mayer-split screen sadness.
And I don’t know where you went when you left me but
Says here in the water you must be gone by now
I can tell somehow
One hand on the trigger of a telephone
Wonderin' when the call comes
Where you say it’s alright
You got your heart right
Maybe I’ll sleep inside my coat and
Wait on your porch ‘till you come back home
Oh, right
I can’t find a flight
We share the sadness
Split screen sadness
Two wrongs make it all alright tonight
Two wrongs make it all alright tonight
Two wrongs make it all alright tonight
Two wrongs make it all alright tonight
"All you need is love" is a lie 'cause
We had a love but we still said goodbye
Now we’re tired, battered fighters
And it stings when it nobody’s fault cause there's
Nothing to blame
At the drop of your name
It’s only the air you took and the breath you left
So maybe I’ll sleep inside my coat and
Wait on your porch 'til you come back home
Oh, right
I can’t find a flight
So I’ll check the weather wherever you are
Cause I wanna know if you can see the stars tonight
It might be my only right
We share the sadness (two wrongs make it all alright tonight)
Split screen sadness (two wrongs make it all alright tonight)
We share the sadness (two wrongs make it all alright tonight)
Split screen sadness (two wrongs make it all alright tonight)
I called because
I just
Need to feel you on the line
Don’t hang up this time
And I know it was me who called it over but
I still wish you'd fought me ‘til
Your dying day
Don’t let me get away
Cause I can’t wait to figure out what’s wrong with me
So I can say 'this is the way that I used to be
There’s no substitute for time
Or for the sadness(two wrongs make it all alright tonight)
Split screen sadness(two wrongs make it all alright tonight)
We share the sadness(two wrongs make it all alright tonight)
Split screen sadness(two wrongs make it all alright tonight)
Oh and the sadness
It's alright, it's alright
Oh and the sadness
It's alright, it's alright
Oh and the sadness
It's alright, it's alright
for some reason,
i find john mayer's songs damn soothing and nice.
the lyrics are quite meaningful too.
you guys should listen to him.
Labels: Lyrics, Misc
some people really irritate me.
especially when they're not doing their jobs.
and by jobs,
i mean like full-time jobs.
oh, i wonder who?
i wanna fly,
but you ain't teachin' me how.
instead, you're trying to discourage us.
i know you look down on us;
i know you really do.
and you're not the only one.
but please keep it to yourself and live up to your job.
frickin' teach.
and please,
practise what you preach.
why the heck am i cursed with such people constantly,
or maybe its just me.
on a lighter note,
you go, jin!
think of more PRACTICAL ways! XD
and yeah thanks to everyone who's looking out for me!
especially jaf and mer. =)
Labels: Irritated, Misc, School
john mayer-no such thing.
Welcome to the real world, she said to me
Take a seat, take your life
Plot it out in black and white
Well I never lived the dreams of the prom kings
And the drama queens
I'd like to think the best of me
Is still hiding up my sleeve
They love to tell you
Stay inside the lines
But something's better
On the other side
I wanna run through the halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the
Top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above
So the good boys and girls take the so called right track
Faded white hats
Grabbing credits and maybe transfers
They read all the books but they can't find the answers
And all of our parents
They're getting older
I wonder if they've wished for anything better
While in their memories
Tiny tragedies
They love to tell you
Stay inside the lines
But something's better
On the other side
I wanna run through the halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you got to rise above
I am invincible
I am invincible
I am invincible
As long as I'm alive
I wanna run through the halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the
Top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above
I just can't wait til my 10 year reunion
I'm gonna bust down the double doors
And when I stand on these tables before you
You will know what all this time was for
Labels: Lyrics
happy chinese new year!
so, the first day of the lunar new year's almost over.
i've had better.
for some reason, it just didn't feel as good as it felt in the past 16+ years.
relatively boring except for the occasional visit by relatives.
perhaps its due to the change in the routine schedule that my family has followed for many years;
or might it be because of the many uncertainties swirling in the air right now;
or maybe its just me.
maybe i'm just being stupid.
i'm really sorry,
i try,
but it doesn't feel like that happy a new year.
lets hope the next 2 days as well as the following 362 are better.
dammit, i have tons of homework to be done;
so much work, so little time.
i doubt i'll be able to do them.
should i continue running for council?
where will i be posted to?
so many unanswered questions, no answers.
i can't help it, but feel like i'm turning into some emo loser with constant moodswings.
someone save me, please.
i can predict that,
this month is gonna be one of the hardest ones to live through in my life.
please give me the strength.
why do i keep thinking of you?
the strength to make the right decisions,
the strength to treasure what i have,
the strength to get over disappointments,
the strength to start afresh,
the strength to be myself.
Labels: Blues, Misc, Occasions
went out for dinner with 6b'02 people yesterday @ J8's Cartel.
turnout was quite good and it was great fun catching up with them.
before that, i had hockey in the frickin' heavy rain plus physical training.
although training was rather fun(no?), i was drenched INSIDE OUT.
luckily, i had this tiny towel with which enabled me to bathe, with the help of edwin's toiletries.
[he's this ex-cat high guy from the red nametag batch who was formerly from nj hockey too-he's cool]
thanks dude haha.
zach and huijun escaped from the sports talk(which we decided not to go to)early to leave for dinner.
thank you, 156;
oh mother of all buses.
we waited more than 45 minutes for the stupid bus-which never came.
we gave up and decided to take a cab to j8, which took like 10 minutes or less.

Balloon love.
It's A Girl!
apparently, melissa, huijun and shihui were so touched by our seksy cards, flowers and stuffed stuffs that they decided to return the favour.
by giving zach, jin and i ginormous and erm cool(?) balloons and cards proclaiming our seksiness.
such was the case that they were rather eye-catchingly large and seemed more like they belonged to female toddlers.
or maybe its just me.
probably not, because jin wrapped his gorgeous barbie one in 4 layers of shopnsave plastic bags.
(more pics next time)
CNY "Celebrations".
chinese new year "celebrations" at nj were pathetic.
or at least it seemed to me.
having to take part in the calligraphy competition, we stoned and calligraphed our way through a good part of the morning in the canteen-actually, through the whole morning.
tell me how stupid that sounds.
stoned around.
and returned to cat high.
crashed the celebrations in the hall,
met and chatted with some teachers and friends.
thanks mrs chew(formerly ms tan) for your red packet! =)
and oh yes, cat high's hall does feel so much better than nj's.
went out to subway for lunch with jin after that.
Labels: Catholic High, Friends, Occasions, Presents, Reunions, School
happy valentine's day to everyone out there!
hope everyone had a wonderful day!
mine was great(besides lessons), with loads and loads of cool presents!
thanks to everyone who gave me stuff! =)
mer for her cute cheery balloon+touching heartshapedcard, tis for her sweet card,
tiffany twin's browniething and card, bernice's heart (XD),
chantelle my angel's flower, jun's miniscule cardthing and chocs.
and oh yes, jafnie's cool little packagething with lots of sweets! = D
and the manymany people who gave me lollies and chocs and gummies! =)
-tell me if you want special mention haha!
love all of you guys!
today's been quite an eye-opener of sorts for me as well as the many guys from guys' schools.
well even though i was expecting it because i have an elder sister and see her lugging back piles of presents every year but yeah.
i heard cat high and sji guys exclaiming about how different this is;
i agree totally.
Scenario 1: (Guys' School)
Single Guy-"Hey, when's valentine's day, coming soon right?!"
Attached Guy-"HUH! Last week???"
Scenario 2: (Girls'/Co-ed School)
Valentine giving galore on V-Day.
Person-"Dammit! I'm broke!"
i'm really really sorry if i haven't given you something today!
it really doesn't mean that i've forgotten you or i don't care about you;
tell me, and i'll make up to youu!
honest. =)
Labels: Friends, Occasions, Presents, School
today, something really weird happened.
as my dad drove me through the cat high gates just now,
(on my way to get some documents endorsed)
the bowling for soup song, "high school never ends" started playing on radio.
really really coincidental/weird! hahahaha..
anyway, school's rather hectic(at least to me) and stuff with all the homework and other things.
stupid toe's still injured, had to stone during p.e while everyone was having fun running. :D
i mean SERIOUSLY, it was rather boring! haha XD
not the first time okay, yesterday at hockey it was like that too!
ugh- HEAL, toe!
ohwell, crap. lots of writing and filling up of forms to do now-argh!
my head's really spinning from it, ahhhhhhhh.
hey rebekah- yes i do! XD
zhao, it'll come when i get the inspiration! :)
and yup jieying, its v-day tmr!
to everyone out there with or without any plans-enjoy!
Labels: Busy, Daily, Injured
as reality slowly sinks in, i finally realise that never again will i see everyone as a batch together.
i'm honestly starting to miss Catholic High.
i'm sure cat high students of sec4'05 can relate to these.
things that i will always remember:
-the 3.2 million dollars moe didn't want to loan us.
-endless fundraising.
-the lousy primary school campus we had to use for sec 1.
-the spanking new school we had in sec 2.
-the annual ang pows during cny for the school.
-daily morning devotions.
-Mr Lee Hak Boon.
-his familiar "good morning gentlemen!" speeches.
-Mr Toh Chin Leong.
-oh, the people who cowered in front of him.
-WONDERFUL morning prefect duties.
[which includes youjin & michael sleeping in the toilets and youjin chasing aaron around the toilets and random losers hiding in the toilets but thats another story for another day =).]
*thanks jin for the reminder. :D
-lots of other fun and stupid stuff that jin and i did.
-mr lee's neverending inspirational speeches.
-the catholic high vision.
-the thick book "我们的感情故乡" on cat high's history,
which we read till our heads spun from the sheer number of chinese words;
all because they said there would be a test on it which would be graded;
but in the end,
there was none.
-they gave another copy to us on grad night.
-the spacious toilets.
-the beautification of the school:waterfalls,ponds,flowers,landscaping-the works.
-being taken out of our class and put into another class of muggers just for higher chinese lessons just so that students from another class could go to our original class for lessons.
-struggling to make any sense of the situation.
-being told that they couldnt do anything about it.
-the way the chinese teachers told the b3 students that our standard just wasnt there.
-the way they forced the subject dropping forms on us.
-the way we resisted them: i never regretted it.
(jon wong, clement and mingfeng if you ever see this, we did it.)
[all throughout my sec3&4 years, i somehow failed every other compo marked by yuanlaoshi]
-yuan telling us: b3 for express chinese=c6 for higher chinese.
-getting b3 for higher chinese eventually.
-having 3 prelims.
-chs npcc 27th batch.
-npcc trainings+soccer/basketball/tennis after training.
-black knights.
-slacking in the npcc store just talking rubbish.
-my prefect buddies.
-2-7 & 4-2.
-limpy, jiawei, darrell; classmates for 4 years.
-the rice stall: extra rice with vegetables, omelette and meat.
-iced milo.
-recess duty.
-morning gate duty.
-the latecomers.
-numerous hair checks: sorry but i was always amongst the ones checking you guys. :D
-numerous attire checks: ditto.
-green nametags.(but i ordered already! there, my receipt!)
-low pants low socks.(pull higher!)
-the cool people who got to wear suspenders.
-the hip people who got to sleep on the bed outside the g.o.
-senseless juniors and peers trying to argue with me about the difference between ankle socks and ankle-length socks.
-school ties.(go bookshop buy!)
-the change we initiated from green shorts to green bermudas.
-the era of the ch merchandise.
-ch socks, relatively cool ch sports shoes, ch bottle, ch everything.
-pity the shoes spoilt so darn quickly that we went through them so darned quickly. =(
-primary school section canteen's char kuay teow.
-sculpture and art piece galore that the school became.
-the dunkable primary school basketball hoops that we were eventually banned from using because they spoilt too often.
-mr chen sleeping, erm resting during lessons. (I was just resting my eyes!)
-shawn and jin kahn getting caught taking pictures of him doing just that.
-history elect mass lectures with numerous cool videos to watch.
-social studies revison packages.
-piles and piles of notes.
-math study sessions after school above grandstand with ms tan that saved my ass for math.
-ms tan soak cheng=best math teacher ever.
-christianto(cockroach)indrat-jia jua: the indon guy who could sleep through an earthquake.
-how we threw erasers at him while he slept.
-how danny tan reacted to him throwing newspapers around. priceless. :D
-kokky videos+magic shows and whatnot. =DDDDD
-cat high's favourite cheer: gong jiao! oi! gong jiao! oi! gong jiao! aeybah!
-the friggin' cool chsnpcc cheer we loved.
-chsnpcc 27th and 28th batch soccer team winning the area games comp w/o conceding a single goal.
-being able to change in class freely.
-the numerous erm, "guys' stuff" that we would do.
-attempted wedgies and taupoks and whatnot.
Catholic High School, Class of 2005.
School Vision.
The Catholic High student is a gentleman and bilingual scholar of high integrity and robust character, who is passionate about life, learning and service to others.
公教学生是个具有 高尚情操、 坚韧个性, 同时 热爱生活, 热爱学习, 并且愿为人群服务的 双语学者与彬彬君子
thank you so much for the
wonderful memories that i wouldnt trade
for anything.
i'll add more as i recall them. =)
you can say what you like, i don't care.
but deep down, i know.
Labels: Catholic High, Friends, Memories

6B'02 Chalet.

Alf, Zach, Me.



Where the cool kids hang out: The Food Court.
Labels: Friends, Memories
So here it is, the end.
It's all over.
Thanks for everything and more.
Goodbye, 公教中学!

I can do nothing but wait and hope now.
Labels: Catholic High, Memories, Misc, School