Heyy (:
Here's what "I've" been doing:
Studying at home
Bullying Shurly at the Library
Playing with her hair and posing like an indian.
*heyy that's my secret ambition okay*
Eating Shurly's giraffe bookmark
Eating Spaghetti
Eating Candy Floss
Forcing Shurly to eat the hamburger infront of the cam so as to make "me" look less like a glutton.
Well, "I've" been busy with homework, tests and cca (and what's not!)
that "I" don't have time to blog or to upload photos online recently.
But "I" still
heart my shurly.
haha! =P
Shurly, on a nothing-to-do Sat
Adapted From: Corrinne May - Shelter
I know you've been through rough times,
Kicked around, thrown to the ground
but you've always been the strong one.
So don't tell me that nobody gets you,
'cause I'm standing in your corner,
Knocking at your door,You don't have to be alone.
Just call my name,
Let me be an answer,
'cause it hurts me to see you this way.
I wanna ease your pain,
Help me understand;
Let me be your shelter my dear.
We share a bond:
You and I, we belong.We're like coffee and morning trains.
You strip my defenses,
I catch your pretenses.
The same blood runs through our veins.
I swore I'd be your lifeline,
Made a vow that I'd surround you with love at every milestone;I'll listen when nobody gets you.-------------------------------------
no matter what happens now,
some things won't change:
i'm here,
my dear.