A Tribute to
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.
The Babyfaced Assassin.
A Manchester United Legend.
Your services will be sorely missed.
Enjoy your retirement.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. (:
thank goodness last week's over.
it was one helluva week!
ushering with council today, again!
this time for the reunion concert organised by the aj alumni.
well, as far as ushering duties go, it was rather alright!
we got to watch almost the whole thing too..
and we took pictures again.
hopefully, pictures soon!
anyway, something unpleasant happened on the way back.
thank goodness everything and everyone's alright.
at least its a lesson learnt-
rest assured i'll never let that happen again if i can help it.
such barbaric people and behaviour freaking
disgust me.
it feels rather
national day break's here,
and i believe almost everyone has been looking forward to it.
yet now that its here,
i don't feel quite as happy as i thought i would be.
today was
yesterday was
less boring though,
went for cat high band concert.
today was virtually one of the most boring national day celebrations.
somehow i believe that i had MUCH more fun in primary school celebrations than this,
although thats rather subjective.
or maybe it was just me.
let's drink to the next few days of work and more work;
to boredom and beyond.
seems like the everyone's getting moody and gloomy.
invest's finally over!
and council stuff's beginning to come proper.
but i'm not complaining yet, its been pretty enjoyable so far!
especially with the great company of the 24th.
and of course, the "clique".

somehow, i'm quite looking forward to the future of working with them.