was quite embarassing.
they put me with the people who failed pe because i hadn't taken my 2.4.
because they said that meant i failed. hahahaha.
(luckily?) mr chua dragged me off to run it.
i got a freakin' headache for the whole day after that.
screwy lack of exercise.
i wasn't really that disappointed with my (lousy!) 2.4km timing.
yes its not that good, i'll admit that.
but considering my recently injured ankle=no exercise for 2+ weeks,
and just look below at what went down my gullet.
went back to cat high with joel today.
(you owe me for dragging me away from home sweet home!)
felt quite good seeing all things familiar.
plus theres the new jungle. i should take pics next time.
its complete with birds. like omg.
okay i didn't really eat following things.
but i think they're quite visually entertaining.

'nuff said. feeding time. =)